Who are we ?

About our association

ÉPILEPSIE GASPÉSIE SUD is an independent community organization that received its charter on December 22, 1987. The association, founded in 1988, is dedicated to the promotion and defense of the rights and interests of people living with this problem. Its mission is to promote, raise awareness and demystify epilepsy at all levels (family, school, work and others) for better social integration.

The Association Épilepsie Gaspésie Sud

  • A place of belonging for families and loved ones as well as for people living with epilepsy.
  • An organization that carries out hospitality, mutual aid, listening skills and material assistance for activities.
  • It is a real crossroads of information, support, empowerment, self-care for people and popular education.
  • It is a place to exchange ideas, receive support adapted to their needs (individual, group, in the form of educational activities, and others), to regain power over their lives and to become collectively involved in society.


The association Épilepsie Gaspésie Sud covers Ascension-de-Patapédia to Percé, that is to say three MRCs (Bonaventure, Avignon and Rocher-Percé).

Our values